Avon River Team

Praying Churches, Serving Communities.

EVENTSticket stubs

Upcoming Church events are advertised here. 

Please also see the menu opposite.

13/07 10.30-12.30pm Fittle Fayre on the Church Walk

07/09 12-4pm Netheravon Fete

14/09 Ride and Stride

21/09 1pm Jumble Sale at Durrington Village Hall

04/10 7.30pm Durrington Walls Wind Band in concert at Figheldean St Michael and All Angels’

23/11 1pm Jumble Sale at Durrington Village Hall

01/12 2-4pm Figheldean Christmas Fayre in Village Hall


  • The Old School Hall, College Road
  • Durrington
  • Salisbury
  • Wiltshire
  • SP4 8HP

01980 655457
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