Avon River Team

Praying Churches, Serving Communities.

Stewardship Myths and Truths

Literal definition of Stewardship:

“Holding in trust and managing the estate of another.”



“A tithe (10%) is God’s.”

“All 100% belongs to God.”

“Giving to the church is giving to God.”

“Using all our resources faithfully is giving to God.”

“Stewardship is our               responsibility to the church.”

“Stewardship is our                 responsibility AS the church.”

“Stewardship is about money.”

“Stewardship is about life.”

“Financial stewardship          encourages equal gifts.”

“Financial stewardship            encourages equal sacrifice.”

“Give until it hurts!”

“Give until it feels good!”

“We give as we are informed.”

“We give as we believe.”

“We give as we prosper.”

“We give as we believe.”

“We give according to need.”

“We give as we believe.”

“We give as we are able.”

“We give as we believe.”


Stewards are people who guide and help and make things work.  For example, stewards are very effective at Rugby internationals or pop concerts.  As members of the church WE ARE STEWARDS of God’s Word. God asks us to help him to guide his people to a Christian faith. For more information click here

  • The Old School Hall, College Road
  • Durrington
  • Salisbury
  • Wiltshire
  • SP4 8HP

01980 655457
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